“Do you want an opportunity to explore your scientific creativity? To stand out as a capable researcher?
The Undergraduate Science Case Competition (USCC) was founded on the principle that science is much more than memorizing pieces of information and regurgitating them during an exam. It’s about curiosity, it’s about exploration, it’s about taking risks. Join the USCC and uncover a whole new dimension of scientific innovation.”
Step One: Register
Register for the competition in teams of 1-4. We highly encourage participating in teams to develop collaboration skills which are an important part of scientific research! You can find potential team mates using our Discord partner-finding channels (more information below).
Registration for the USCC 2024-2025 is now closed.
Step Two: Written Round
You will be challenged to propose an original research idea to tackle a real-world issue, and support your idea with current scientific literature. The first round is a written round submitted online, to be completed in 3 weeks. The case will be released on November 1st and team submissions will be due on November 22nd at midnight following Eastern Standard Time. For more details regarding submissions, please see the case booklet (will be sent to registered teams on November 1st).
Step Three: Presentation Round
Top scoring teams from each division will advance to the next round and have the opportunity to present their novel research proposal to judges at our scientific conference. This year, the second round will take place March 7th-9th, 2025 in person at the University of Ottawa! The weekend will include poster sessions, presentations, workshops, and an awards ceremony. The exact schedule will be released to finalists in January.
Research Opportunities. Labs in hospitals and universities recognize the achievement of competition winners, and prioritize them for research opportunities.
Connect with capable and like-minded peers. Who knows? You may be talking to your future partner, collaborator, or colleague.
Learn from some of the most prestigious researchers. The competition brings together some of the brightest (and sometimes most quirky) minds across the province to engage in scientific dialogue.
Engage in scientific innovation. The greatest scientific discoveries begin with one idea, and you never know where yours might lead you.
Win. SciNapse has an ongoing partnership with the URNCST Journal which allows all Round 1 finalist teams to have their abstract published as well as have the opportunity to publish their entire proposal. Additionally, Round 1 finalist will be awarded a Certificate of Merit, and the Round 2 winning teams are awarded medals and certificates signifying their achievement.
Interested in participating in the 2024-25 USCC but don’t have a partner or are looking for an extra member?
Head over to the partner-finding channels on our Discord server to find other students looking for team members! There is a channel for each division (Lower & Upper), so make sure to check out the right one as 3rd+ year students cannot participate in the lower division. Just send a message with some info about yourself (e.g., program, school, year of study, interests, etc.), read through others’ messages, and reach out!
Have any general questions about the case competition?
Join our Discord server to communicate with us! You can check out the announcements and FAQ posted there, ask any general questions, or meet participants who are looking for a partner/extra member.
What is the competition topic and challenge like?
This year’s topic is: Gut microbiome!
The topic varies from year to year. Do not be concerned if the case topic is not your “specialty”. The challenge is designed so that all participants have an equal opportunity of succeeding.
Past competition topics: Mycology, Neuroscience, Climate Crisis, Antimicrobial Resistance, Augmented Biology, Cannabis, Hydrofracturing, Zika Virus, The Global Food Crisis & Nutrition, Epilepsy, and Cystic Fibrosis.
Who is eligible for the competition?
All undergraduate university students in North America are eligible to enter the competition.
USCC is offered in 2 divisions. The Lower Division encompasses 1st and 2nd year students, while the Upper Division is for 3rd year undergraduate students and above. Any student who already has or who is currently taking more than 3 third year courses as of Nov 1st must participate in the Upper Division. However, 1st and 2nd year students can register with upper year students in the Upper Division. Both divisions are judged and awarded separately.
Students from any background are encouraged to participate, as interdisciplinary ideas are considered an advantage in this competition.
*Teams will be randomly checked to ensure eligibility in their own division. Those competing in the incorrect division will be removed from the competition and competitor fees will not be refunded.
I’ve already participated in the USCC in a previous year, can I participate again this year?
Of course!
When and how can I register?
The registration period is now closed.
Is there a competition fee?
Yes, the registration fee applies to all teams (1-4 members) that register and is the same no matter the size of the team. Please note that the fee must only be paid once per team and not per individual team member. Therefore, the more people in your team, the cheaper it is for each individual!
The registration fee for the 2024-2025 competition year is 100$.
I’ve never written a research proposal or created a scientific poster before, can I still participate? Do you offer any guidance?
Rest assured, you don’t need prior research and/or writing experience to participate in the USCC! In fact, our aim is to help students like you get introduced to the world of scientific research and practice those skills, so we highly encourage you to sign up!
We also have a mentorship team here to guide you and help you throughout the competition. They offer information sessions for both rounds where they explain the key parts and how to go about each task, as well as Q&A periods to answer your specific questions.
Who judges the competition?
Professors, researchers, and graduate students from hospitals, universities and research institutes who are studying the area of interest.
How do we score Round 1 submissions and select the finalist teams?
Previously, the finalist teams compromised the top 10% scoring teams of each affiliated campus, for each division. However, since removing the restriction that prevented students of different schools from forming teams together, we have noticed that more and more students are forming “multi-campus” teams. As such, we feel that it no longer makes sense to score the competition this way.
Instead, this year we will select the top teams across the board to qualify for the final round. The exact percentage will be determined based on the number of registered teams (to ensure that a reasonable number of teams participate in Round 2), but will likely range between 10-25%. The lower and upper divisions will continue to be judged and awarded separately.
What happens to our submissions?
The submissions are your own intellectual property. Hence you are free to use it in labs, applications, and publications. We will ask for your explicit permission should your work be chosen for a publication by us or any of our affiliates.
Why are we returning to the in-person format for Round 2?
Originally, the final round of the USCC was always held in person, and the virtual format was only introduced because of the pandemic. Last year’s competition was held virtually despite the public health safety restrictions having been removed, just as a precaution. Given that restrictions have not been reinstated and the University of Ottawa successfully kept its campus open last year, we feel confident committing to hosting the final round in person again. Although we tried our best to offer the same experience when we developed the virtual format, it remains that the in-person format inherently offers a more enriching experience with more networking opportunities.
What will happen if another lockdown is announced, preventing us from holding Round 2 in person?
In the event that there is a lockdown that prevents us from holding Round 2 in person, we will hold the competition virtually the same way we have been for the past three years (circumstances permitting).
What is the discord channel used for?
The Discord server helps us communicate with you (interested students and participants)! It is a space for us to post announcements and updates, share information, and answer any general questions you may have about the case competition. We also offer the partner-finding channels to help with searching for a partner/extra member if you are interested in participating in the competition.
Why have our registration prices increased?
The decision to raise our registration fees was made to account for the rising costs associated with hosting an in-person competition. We are committed to maintaining the quality and experience of the event, including keeping the second round in person, which we believe adds significant value. To ensure an enjoyable experience for all participants, we aim to cover essential expenses such as meals and hotel accommodations. This adjustment allows us to continue offering a well-organized and memorable competition while providing the best possible experience for all participants.
Can I request a refund?
We can issue refunds prior to the registration deadline if your team is no longer able to participate in the competition. Typically, we are unable to offer refunds after registration closes and the case package is sent out. However, we may consider refund requests for any immediate emergencies and inquiries should be sent to contact@scinapsescience.com.